It All Began a Bit Like This

Over a year ago I had this really cool job making a movie with the most wild and talented collection of artists from all over the world. These guys are good! And that job rocked. But it WAS all encompassing and the hours were long and the schedule was pretty intense. Add in that at this point I’d been living in one place for longer than I’d previously done in my entire adult life. Like a sailor or spaceman, I was beginning to find the world I lived in to be just too small! So when the project faced completion and the question of what came next arose, a pair of slightly itchy feet led me to the kind of irrational and impulsive (brilliant???) decision-making that I seem to thrive at. Enter an intriguing and worldly girl who drops in from the sky, as she passes through my city on her own trip around the globe! Now I’d met people that had done these types of trips before and I’d occasionally wanted it for myself, but I’d never really given this any kind of serious thought. So, when we hit it off and this lovely girl offered me an opportunity to join her on HER trip (in a lilting British accent of course), I didn’t really give that any serious thought either. It was a no-brainer! So I agreed.

HA! An amazing and half-baked decision that I would never live to regret. Within the month I bought a ticket good for a year and promising to bring me anywhere my fool-heart desired, under its 27,000 consecutive mile limitations. In the beginning I coordinated with said girl. In the end, I was closing my eyes and using my finger to find arbitrary dots on a map. No place sounded less than amazing, so why not? Within the following weeks, I wrapped up at work, I got my affairs in order (to the best that I order affairs), and then I set off. Because of so many logistics, the girl left the country a good deal ahead of me, but I gave her my number so we could meet up later...

As it turned out, I wouldn’t see her again until we caught up over lunch. In London. 11 months after that!

This is just one example of why I know this: When it comes to planning, I’m a master! I think it’s important for one to recognize their strengths. And this is an incredible asset which I possess, so I’m happy. These skills would surely come in handy on my ensuing adventures!